Telegraph Poles

We all deserve access to fast, reasonably priced broadband – and competition is the best way to achieve that. 

But it’s not right for telegraph poles to go up in places that are wrong for a local community – be it a private road, a front garden or a conservation area.

That’s why I’m working with the Council to make sure that broadband poles are erected with the support of local communities, in places where they don’t disrupt peoples’ right to a quiet and peaceful life.

I'll be working with MS3, Connexin and KCOM to make sure that these companies work together, as required by regulations, to make sure that we all have access to the best possible broadband.

And I'm working with the Government to make sure these regulations are enforced properly, with the Council given any necessary powers to enforce it.

What I've Done

What's next?

  • I'll work with East Riding of Yorkshire Council to make sure it gets the support it needs to put residents first.
  • I'll continue to push the Government to end permitted development where telegraph poles or underground exist.


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Telegraph Poles in Beverley

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What Graham's done on telegraph poles

There’s been a lot of talk about telegraph poles going up in Hedon and Preston recently, and understandably people are upset about this. 

Graham Secures Key Concession on Poles in Conservation Areas

Graham Stuart, Member of Parliament for Beverley and Holderness has gained confirmation from MS3 CEO Guy Martin that the company will cease its plans to erect new telegraph poles in Hedon and Preston’s conservation areas, pending discussions with the Town and Parish councils.